2606 Fairfield Ave S.
St. Petersburg Florida 33712
PH:727 822 5665
Featuring the band's signature combination of super-charged snotty vocals and fast-paced distorted guitars, fans can expect a fist-pump- ing ride as well as an innovative take on the genre Screeching Weasel birthed circa 1991. Let's not forget that the band defined an entire era of pop punk, predating next wave groups like Blink 182, Taking Back Sunday and Rise Against. These days, Weasel is still pushing boundaries and poking bears.
At times deliciously dark, sweet and dizzying, The Awful Disclosures rollercoasters listeners through the mundane, the miraculous and the macabre with precision and energy. Like all good thrill rides, there's more than a few surprises: Piano and organ accompaniments come courtesy of Weasel's son, Joe (Yes, you could say he is making his "independent label debut.") The old Chinese adage, "may you live in interesting times," comes to mind during this 31-minute tell-all. For Screeching Weasel, the curse is a blessing. No other time could have produced such a red-blooded record-and from a band who has died on the table too many times to count!