Christian Bale, Matthew McConaughey, Alice Krige. Set in disastrous 2020 England, a group of humans battle a plague of fire-breathing dragons, uncovered two decades earlier, that have ruled the planet ever since. 2002/color/109 min/PG-13.
Christian Bale, Matthew McConaughey, Alice Krige. Set in disastrous 2020 England, a group of humans battle a plague of fire-breathing dragons, uncovered two decades earlier, that have ruled the planet ever since. 2002/color/109 min/PG-13.
Christian Bale, Matthew McConaughey, Alice Krige. Set in disastrous 2020 England, a group of humans battle a plague of fire-breathing dragons, uncovered two decades earlier, that have ruled the planet ever since. 2002/color/109 min/PG-13.